
“I want you and your business to Bloom…

I want everyone to have the satisfying life I know is possible when we prioritize our financial wellbeing, center abundance over scarcity and plan with intention and clarity. I can help you launch and fund your vision, invest in the things you value and see your dreams, your business and your financial life bloom”

Alicia DeLia, Financial Coach and Business Strategist

Are you ready to experience the peace of mind and freedom that comes from eliminating money shame and spending guilt— while building financial literacy and wellness habits that will see you thrive?

Let’s build together…My Services Include…

Financing Your Goals

Whether your goal is funding a business, a nonprofit, or your best life— we are here to turn that goal into a reality. We create plans and strategies that make your personal and professional dreams happen. We are experts in financing and fundraising and can help you build strategic plans, structure deals and source capital. Let’s fund your goals and ideas!

Investment and Savings Coaching

We are your accountability partner to reach your savings and investing goals and help reduce or eliminate debt. Want to retire early? Take an extended sabbatical? Work part-time? It’s all possible. We will teach you how to make and keep commitments towards these goals, create healthy habits and avoid debt traps that erode your ability to thrive.

Financial Literacy and Budgeting

All too often we lack basic financial literacy and money management skills that keep us from having a thriving financial life. Give yourself an introduction to all the ways our financial system works and how it can work for us. We can help you build a budget, teach you about investing or help you analyze loan opportunities. As an advisor, not a seller of products, you and your road to wealth and wellness is our #1 priority.


Professional Transitions

Life takes many twists and turns and sometimes we need a thought partner to realize which direction to take. We are here to help you examine your next career move, determine whether a side gig can turn into a full fledged business or decide if you should start that nonprofit you have always dreamed of. We can help you evolve and discover new professional, personal and business pathways based on your dreams, values and goals.

Charitable Giving and Impact Investing

The world needs individuals who are generous and giving. And there has never been more ways to invest in a better world. We can design a plan to help you support the causes, movements or organizations of your choice through charitable giving or mission related investments. It is possible to grow your money while serving the greater good. We know how.